Rank Name: Shaman
Tier Level: Neutral
Pride Responsibilities: They learn from the priests on how to speak to the gods, they also keep track of our history by inscribing bones and stone with the events.
Quantity: limitless
Rank Name: Den Carer
Tier Level: Neutral
Pride Responsibilities: They look after the dens and care for the cubs.
Quantity: limitless
Rank Name: Assassin
Tier Level: Middle
Pride Responsibilities: They are the assassins and get their orders from the lead assassins, they normally take part in petty assassinations.
Quantity: Limitless
Rank Name: Warrior
Tier Level: Middle
Pride Responsibilities: They fight for the pride if the others decide to attack.
Quantity: Limitless
Rank Name: Medic
Tier Level: Middle
Pride Responsibilities: They help to heal others with the lead medics, they have a slightly lesser understanding of herbs compare to them, but they know what their doing.
Quantity: Limitless
Rank Name: Hunter
Tier Level: Middle
Pride Responsibilities: These hunters are just here to hunt food.
Quantity: Limitless
Sp / Sc
Rank Name: Scout/Spy
Tier Level: Middle
Pride Responsibilities: They scout out the other prides to gather information, which they bring back to the lead scouts/spies
Quantity: Limitless
Rank Name: Guard
Tier Level: Middle
Pride Responsibilities: They guard the pride. Nothing much to say...
Quantity: Limitless
Rank Name: Ambassador
Tier Level: Middle
Pride Responsibilities: Make peace treaties with others
Quantity: Limitless